Friday, September 08, 2006

It's a Small World (for Mainframe Bloggers)

While perusing the web as I am wont to do from time to time, I came across an archived posting on James Governor's MonkChips blog where he posed the question, "Where are all the mainframe bloggers?". And as with last weeks posting, a simple, "42" will not suffice. Mr. Governor then proceeds to provide links to relevant mainframe blogs that he has unearthed on the web-- wasn't around at the time, of course-- including, Peter Armstrong of BMC, Jamie Cardoso of JRoller and also, the blog at IT In-Depth. I feel that the very regularly-updated, MonkChips deserves another mention for long carrying the torch for mainframe bloggers everywhere... where ever they are-- ahem, apologies for being so late to the party. So please, visit the blogs I've mentioned above and the many more mentioned in James Governor's article. Stop in, have a cup of tea and tell 'em we sent ya. -colin


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